If a parent (or an adult student) feels their student needs Homebound Educational Services, they should contact the school to make a request and provide the necessary medical documentation regarding the student’s need.

Under S.C. Code Ann. Regs. 43-241, students who cannot attend public school because of illness, accident, or pregnancy, even with the aid of transportation, are eligible for medical homebound or hospitalized instruction. A physician must certify that the student is unable to attend school but may profit from instruction given in the home or hospital. Should an approved student not be provided with the medical homebound instruction that he or she is entitled to receive, the student is eligible to have the medical homebound instruction made up by the district. This make up may occur during the student’s remaining eligibility for medical homebound instruction or may occur after the student returns to school provided the make-up periods are not during the regular school day.

Under S.C. Code Ann. § 59-40-50(B)(1), a charter school must adhere to the same health, safety, civil rights, and disability rights requirements as are applied to public schools operating in the same school district or, in the case of the South Carolina Public Charter School District or a public or independent institution of higher learning sponsor, the local school district in which the charter school is located.

For more information about Medical Homebound Status, contact:

Feel free to call the main office at 843-666-6362

Written By:
North Charleston